About Consulting Cardiologist Online

Good overall health is dictated by a healthy heart. At any age, a healthy lifestyle can help prevent heart disease and lower your chances of having a heart attack or stroke. You are never too old or too young to start caring for your heart.

The heart, a vital organ in our bodies, beats 2.5 billion times in an average lifetime. It runs 24 hours a day, delivering millions of gallons of blood to every area of the body. It is one of the most vital organs that keep us alive. The rest of the body's systems begin to collapse almost immediately after the heart stops beating.

Maintaining your cardiac health is of paramount importance as one ages. It should not just be a concern for people over 65. Current statistical data reveals that premature coronary artery disease attacks people before the age of 45. In recent times heart attack has been a numero uno cause of death among younger men in our country.  Add years to your life; drop the risk considerably by simply identifying and acting on the critical indicators of a poorly functioning heart. Some of the most prominent signs of a healthy heart include a heart rate of 60 to 100 beats per minute, a blood pressure of 120/80, and a healthy weight. Energy levels – one should not feel tired all the time – and cholesterol – high levels indicate artery blockages.

The causes of heart disease differ depending on the type of heart disease. There are several types of heart disease. For example, genetic problems, scarring of the heart muscle, coronary artery disease, or medication may cause arrhythmias. Coronary and peripheral artery disease are both caused by plaque buildup in the arteries. Rheumatic disease, infections, and aging may also cause value disease. 

Considering the recent scenario and lifestyle of our busy schedule, we often ignore our cardiac health. On the contrary, we need to be more vigilant about our health if we notice any deviations in our heart health; you should immediately opt for an online cardiologist consultation to review your cardiac health. 

Most Common Cardiac Problems

Some of the generic cardiac problems in India are as below: 

  • Coronary Artery Disease 

Coronary artery disease is the condition of arteries that become too narrow to supply blood and oxygen to the heart. A build-up of cholesterol on the arterial walls, forming plaque is a common cause of CAD. This plaque can inhibit blood flow, resulting in serious health issues. Platelets will begin to concentrate around the place where plaque has broken off or ruptured to restore the blood artery. It can easily clog the artery, cutting off blood flow and resulting in a heart attack.

  • Heart Attack

Myocardial infarction is another term for a heart attack. In recent times, it tops of the list of cardiovascular diseases in India. When the heart muscle does not receive enough oxygen to function properly, a heart attack occurs. This occurs when the blood flow that delivers oxygen has been reduced or stopped completely. Plaque buildup in the coronary arteries, also known as atherosclerosis, restricts blood flow.

  •  Heart Arrhythmia

An abnormal cadence of the heart whether it is too fast, or too slow, or at an irregular pace, is known as heart arrhythmia. The heart is unable to perform well if there is no proper pace. It does not pump enough blood to deliver nutrients and oxygen to other parts of the body. 

  • Cardiomyopathy

One of the critical cardiac problems – Cardiomyopathy arises when the left ventricle gets enlarged to allow the blood flow. If this problem is not treated on time, it gradually weakens the heart muscles and does not pump efficiently. This leads to the retention of sodium and water in the kidneys.

  • Heart Valve Complications

Heart Valve complications cover a range of abnormalities. When the heart valves do function well, stenosis or regurgitation occurs. This hinders normal blood flow. 

Being aware of some common cardiac problems, especially their signs and symptoms will help one to acknowledge the issue at the earliest. This is simple to accomplish by talking to a cardiologist online. Discuss the signs and get diagnosed by an expert. 

Treatment Offered by Cardiologist on MediFlam Platform

A cardiologist is a specially trained and skilled doctor that diagnoses, cures and prevents all the diseases related to the blood vessels and heart. Cardiologists are doctors who have expertise in cardiology. 

People do not visit or consult a cardiologist as often as they would visit their family physician. When the patient's family history involves cardiovascular illnesses and the patient's family physician refers the patient to a cardiologist, the patient should contact a cardiologist online. A visit to a cardiologist is necessary when the patient has other symptoms like high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, smoking, etc. 

MediFlam has a team of highly respected cardiologists who work closely with patients to analyze their symptoms and create efficient treatments specific to the patient’s condition. Some treatments offered by Cardiologists are as below: 

  • Atrial Fibrillation
  • Ventricular Fibrillation
  • Congenital heart disease
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Congestive heart disease
  • Hypertension or high blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Pericarditis

Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial Fibrillation is also known as AFib is the irregular heart rhythm starting in the atria. Instead of the sinus node directing the electrical rhythm, multiple impulses act simultaneously. It leads to a disorganized and faster rhythm in the atria. Due to this, the atria cannot shrink or squeeze out blood efficiently into the ventricle. 

It is a type of heart arrhythmia that triggers the atria, top chambers of the heart to tremble and beat irregularly. If the AFib lasts longer than a week then it is known as acute or Chronic Atrial Fibrillation. Sometimes Atrial fibrillation may not display any symptoms. But, sometimes it does, and they are lack of energy, chest discomfort, dizziness, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, etc. 

The atrial fibrillation treatment aims to regain the normal heart rhythm, prevent blood clots, control heart rate, and reduce the chances of stroke. There are several options for AFib treatments. These include medications, surgery, catheter-based procedure, surgery, and lifestyle changes. Seek an online consultation with a cardiologist to get an accurate diagnosis of your condition. The doctor would recommend the treatment based on the patient's symptoms and heart rhythm. 

Generally, at the initial stage of AFib, medications are used to cure atrial fibrillation. Medications like rhythm control medications, anticoagulant medications, and rare control medications.  

Besides medications, some lifestyle changes are required to improve your cardiac health. To begin with, the person has to quit smoking, limit the alcohol intake, and usage of caffeine. If overweight or obese, achieve the ideal weight. If you discover an abnormal heartbeat while undertaking a certain activity, stop doing it and tell your doctor. 

Ventricular Fibrillation

Blood flows into and out of the four chambers of a healthy heart. It enables blood flow throughout the body. Ventricular fibrillation is a cardiac rhythm irregularity or arrhythmia that starts in the heart's ventricles. The electrical signals cause the ventricles to shudder. This shuddering of ventricles indicates that the heart is not pumping blood into the body. Many people feel Vfib several times a day. Continuous Vfib may lead to death or cardiac arrest, and thus it needs urgent medical intervention. 

Ventricular Fibrillation may arise due to an acute heart attack, electrolyte abnormalities, medicines affecting heart function, genetic diseases, and weakened heart muscles. Some symptoms of Vfib are cardiac arrest, dizziness, and acute shortness of breath. 

Ventricular fibrillation treatment is carried out in two stages. The first stage is carried out to stop the Vfib as soon as possible to restore the pulse and the blood pressure. The focus of the second stage is to reduce the chances of Vfib development in the future. Defibrillation is required immediately after the Vfib, CPR, medications, catheter ablation, or left cardiac sympathetic denervation are all part of the treatment. Cardiac procedures and medications may help to prevent and reduce the chances of future ventricular fibrillation. It is a life-threatening situation, thus requires immediate medical attention. Thus it makes it crucial to have a complete idea about the disorder. Opt for the online consultation with a cardiologist to not just keep yourself updated and aware but, it is also vital for people around you to know what should be done if in case you collapse due to Vfib. 

Congenital heart disease

Congenital heart disease is a heart condition that begins at birth and affects one or more blood vessels or the heart. It occurs before birth. The blood vessels or the structure of the heart do not form during the fetus development stage in the uterus. Congenital heart defects can be diagnosed before birth, after birth, during childhood, or even in adulthood. Congenital heart disease may be present without any symptoms in some cases. While in other the congenital heart disease symptoms are poor exercise tolerance, shortness of breath, etc. 

The severity of the heart disease determines the treatment for congenital heart disease. Some mild heart defects may not need any treatment. But other causes can be treated with the help of invasive procedures, or surgery, or medications. The person having congenital heart disease has to be monitored, and thus the need to avail of the best cardiologist online consultation arises. 

Coronary heart disease

Coronary arteries are essential because they carry blood to the heart muscles. Any disorder or disease in these arteries will affect the nutrients and oxygen flow to the heart. It may lead to death or a heart attack. The CAD – coronary artery disease or coronary heart disease is distinguished by the swelling and fatty deposits build-up inside the layers of the coronary arteries. These deposits may develop during early childhood and may continue to enlarge and thicken throughout life. This condition is known as atherosclerosis. These fatty deposits block or decrease the blood flow to the heart. 

The symptoms of coronary artery disease depend on the gravity of the disease. Some patients with coronary artery disease have no symptoms, while others experience mild to severe chest pain. If the amount of oxygenated blood that reaches the heart is reduced, the person may experience chest pain known as angina. When the blood flow is cut off completely leads to a heart attack. In cases where people do not experience or recognize any symptoms then, it is known as a silent heart attack. Other symptoms are fatigue, tiredness, heaviness in the chest, pain in the jaw, shoulder, arms neck, or back, and shortness of breath. 

The coronary heart disease treatment includes Medicines like Antihypertensives, Antiplatelet, Antihyperlipidemics, etc. Seek an online cardiologist consultation based on the patient's condition. The doctor will diagnose the condition and may recommend coronary angioplasty to allow more blood flow to the heart. Other procedures like laser angioplasty, atherectomy, balloon angioplasty, and coronary artery stent. 

Congestive heart disease

Heart failure or congestive heart failure or congestive heart disease is a critical condition in which the heart does not pump blood as effectively as it should be. In persons over the age of 65, heart failure is the main cause of hospitalization. Generally, heart failure is of two types; one type is HF-rEF – heart failure with reduced left ventricular function and another type is HF-pEF – heart failure with preserved left ventricular function. 

Dry cough, irregular palpitations, nighttime urination, weight gain, swelling in the abdomen, ankles, and legs, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and shortness of breath are all symptoms of congestive heart failure.

The congestive heart failure treatment may vary on the type of heart failure and what caused it. Treatment includes lifestyle changes and medications. Once the patient feels the symptoms, they should immediately opt for an online cardiologist consultation. The doctor may prescribe the best heart failure treatment for the patient. The treatment aims to reduce the damage and relieve the symptoms.

Medications such as aldosterone inhibitors, diuretics, vasodilators, digitalis glycosides, antiplatelets, anticoagulants, tranquilizers, and beta-blockers are among the treatment options.

Changes in the lifestyle may also be an impactful treatment process. Avoiding caffeine, salt, etc., limiting fluid intake are some examples of lifestyle changes for this disease. In severe cases, surgery to bypass or unblock clogged arteries, as well as heart valve replacement, may be recommended. The patient may need a pacemaker known as biventricular pacing therapy. A VAD, or ventricular assist device, is used as a stopgap measure before a heart transplant. Heart transplantation is the last resort for treatment.

Hypertension or high blood pressure

In simple terms, blood pressure is the measurement of the force or pressure of blood pushing against the blood vessel walls. When the pressure on the walls of the blood arteries in the body is persistently high, it is known as hypertension. High blood pressure is the silent killer as the person may not be aware of it but, it still does huge damage to the body. Specific high blood pressure symptoms are difficult to identify. The healthcare provider uses a stethoscope, blood pressure cuff, a gauge, and an electronic sensor. One can identify high blood pressure based on the readings with two numbers. The systolic blood pressure, which measures the pressure on the walls of blood vessels as the heart contracts, is indicated by the number at the top. The number at the bottom represents diastolic blood pressure, which is the pressure on the blood vessel walls when the heart relaxes between beats.

Some of the causes of high blood pressure are smoking, excess body weight, age above 55, consuming foods high in sodium content, being a heavy drinker, no exercise, etc. 

Treatments for high blood pressure are dependent on a variety of criteria that decide the appropriate course of action for each individual. The primary treatment method for all high blood pressure patients is to make healthy lifestyle changes. The doctor may recommend medicines along with lifestyle changes. Maintaining a fitness regimen, eating healthy, quitting smoking and drinking alcohol, lowering sodium intake, and so on are examples of lifestyle changes. But if such lifestyle changes do not lower the blood pressure then the patients may be advised to take medicines. 

Overall, the crucial thing is to keep a tab on the blood pressure readings, talk to a cardiologist online, and know more about maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. 

High cholesterol

While talking to your cardiologist online in regards to your cardiac health, the doctor may emphasize high cholesterol as one of the vital factors for your heart. To know more about this, let us first understand what cholesterol is. Cholesterol is a fat-like waxy substance naturally produced by the liver. It is necessary for the production of vitamin D, cell membranes, and some hormones. Lipoproteins help it pass through the bloodstream. Lipoproteins are classified into two types: high-density lipoproteins, or good cholesterol, and low-density lipoproteins, or bad cholesterol.

Let us analyze what causes high cholesterol. Consumption of saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol-rich foods raises the risk of getting high cholesterol. High cholesterol levels can also be caused by obesity. Smoking, diabetes, hypothyroidism, being unfit and inactive may also lead to high cholesterol levels. 

In many cases, patients having high cholesterol may have no signs or symptoms. But, high cholesterol, if left untreated, may raise some serious health issues. The doctor can help the patient to manage the condition and avoid any critical condition. After the age of 20, it is imperative to monitor your cholesterol levels. If you are diagnosed with high cholesterol seek the doctor's treatment advice. Avoid tobacco and its products, keep yourself fit, have a balanced nutritional diet, to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. 


To know about pericarditis disorder, it is crucial to understand what a pericardium is. It is a fluid-filled two-layered sac that surrounds the heart's exterior surface. It lubricates the heart, shields it from malignancy and infection, and maintains the heart inside the walls of the chest. It prevents the heart from over-expanding as blood volume increases.

Pericarditis is an inflammation of the pericardium. It is generally acute, develops suddenly, and may exist for up to many months. In most cases, this condition subsides in three months, but sometimes it may come back and go for many years. In pericarditis, the membrane surrounding the heart is swollen and red. This condition is most common among men between the age of 16 to 65 years. 

The symptoms of pericarditis are sharp chest pain, the health may worsen while coughing, swallowing, or while lying flat. Other symptoms are fatigue, anxiety, dry cough, trouble while breathing, and pain in the back, shoulder, and neck. 

Pericarditis can be caused by a variety of factors, including bacterial pericarditis caused by bacteria, fungal pericarditis caused by a fungal infection, and diseases such as lupus and scleroderma. Any injury to the chest, kidney failure, genetic disease, heart attack, radiation therapy, tumors, etc., may cause pericarditis.

Treatment for pericarditis includes medications for inflammation and pain. Depending on the stage of pericarditis the doctors may prescribe medications accordingly. In most cases, pericarditis can be cured with the help of medications themselves. But in cases when the pericardium is filled with fluids and compresses the heart, the doctor may have to carry out a pericardiocentesis. The doctor uses a catheter to drain the fluid. Needle and catheter are used with the help of echocardiography. If the fluid is not drained then a surgical procedure known as the pericardial window is carried out. If a patient has constrictive pericarditis, some portion of the pericardium needs to be removed. This process is known as pericardiectomy. 

During the cardiologist's online consultation, the doctor may recommend an appropriate treatment based on the patient's condition.

When to Consult Cardiologist Online?

Patients suffering from cardiac health problems need to go for a check-up with a cardiologist. A cardiologist is a doctor who specializes in all aspects of heart and blood vessel health. Shortness of breath, abnormal heart rhythm, high blood pressure, dizziness, diabetes, a smoking or drinking habit, a chronic disease, or a family history of cardiac disease are signs that the patient has been inactive for a long time. Now it is easier to opt to consult a cardiologist online with the help of the internet. Patients can now reach out to a cardiologist while being at home. 

Why choose online Cardiologist consultation?

Opting for online consultation with a cardiologist is the need of the hour. The reasons for doing so are several. You can connect with the best cardiologists in the country to attain an accurate diagnosis and necessary treatment options as per the cardiac health condition. It is time-saving patients do not have to wait in queue at the clinic, as the online consultation will begin exactly as per the appointed schedule. All the medical records, prescriptions are digitized and are saved online. The records can conveniently be accessed from anywhere, anytime. The privacy of patients is well-maintained. Talk to the cardiologist online at your convenience. 

MediFlam - Consult Top Cardiologist Online 

Everything is being digitalized in this present era. Consulting a cardiologist from the comfort of your four walls, with just a few clicks on the computer system, is as easy as it sounds. Cardiac health is a critical aspect, and so one needs to be extra cautious about it. If a person feels or notices any signs or symptoms, they should immediately opt for online consultation with a cardiologist. Register yourself on our website at Mediflam, choose the doctor based on your preference, schedule an appointment based on your convenience, and opt for a video or audio call with the doctor. Get the diagnosis done and avail of the best treatment possible. 

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Frequently asked questions about Cardiologist

What is Cardiac consultation?

A cardiac consultation is a consultation appointment with a cardiologist. The patient might discuss their cardiac health and other issues that affect their heart health during this session. The patient may opt for an online cardiologist consultation for many reasons.  When their family doctor refers them to a cardiologist, when they have a cardiovascular problem, or when they are planning for vascular surgery. If they have had a stroke, a heart attack, or any other heart-related procedure, they should see a cardiologist. Nowadays, patients also opt for an online cardiologist consultation when looking for a second opinion on a diagnosis, treatment plan, or imaging test. 

Is Cardiology consultation getting done online possible?

The latest technology makes it possible for patients to receive an on-time diagnosis; by connecting with the country’s best cardiologist online consultation way. Patients suffering from any issues related to cardiac health should take an appointment online with their preferred cardiologist at their convenient time; get the diagnosis and treatment based on their health conditions.

What is the right age to consult a Cardiologist?

There is no set age bracket to consult a cardiologist. People as young as 20 years may get tested for cardiac health, even if they do not have any signs or symptoms. Generally, people in the middle age group are advised to visit a cardiologist at regular intervals. People with a family history of heart difficulties, drinking or smoking habits, obesity, being inactive for a long time, and other factors should see a cardiologist regularly.

How often should I consult a Cardiologist?

Several factors influence the frequency with which you should see a cardiologist. Patients usually do not need to see a cardiologist very often, however, this depends on the patient's case history. Depending on the patient's health, the cardiologist will recommend the necessary follow-ups and consultation visits during the initial appointment.

What is the cost of consulting a Cardiologist online?

The cost of online cardiologist consultation varies greatly depending on their work experience and expertise. Generally, it ranges from INR 900 t INR 3000 per consultation. 

Are online Cardiologists qualified?

Although contacting a cardiologist online has become much easier thanks to technological advancements, the patient may have reservations regarding their qualifications, especially when it is not done in person. Our platform – MediFlam follows a stringent process to verify and check the qualifications of all cardiologists. It ensures that the patients can receive the perfect diagnosis from the best-qualified cardiologists.

What are some of the questions I must ask my Cardiologist about my heart?

Some of the vital questions that a patient should ask the cardiologist are as below: 

  • What are the warning signs of early heart disease?
  • Is there anything I should avoid doing?
  • What impact will my family history have on my diagnosis?
  • What can I do to help myself in my battle against heart disease?
  • What is the best blood pressure level for me?
  • What is the treatment plan, and when will it be completed?
  • What improvements in my lifestyle do I need to make?
When should you consult a Cardiologist?
A cardiologist should be consulted if the patient has heartburn or a family history of heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, smokes, and drinking alcohol. If the patient has diabetes and has some oral health issues, is over the age of 50, has consistent shortness of breath, and so on.
How to connect with the best Cardiologists in India?

Visit the MediFlam website to connect with the best cardiologists in India. Our platform includes some of the country's most prominent cardiologists. Patients can choose their preferred cardiologist schedule an appointment, and get the best diagnosis. 

What other conditions are usually present with heart diseases?

Generally, a patient with heart disease also has other health issues like elevated cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. These health disorders may aggravate heart disease. It is imperative to manage these health conditions along with heart disease to have a better outcome of cardiac treatment. 

Why Should You Consult Mediflam For Cardiac Online Consultation?

MediFlam panel has some of the leading cardiologists from our country. We ensure that our platform is user-friendly and easy for the patients to surf doctors as per their convenience and preference. Patients can consult top cardiologists online with just a few clicks. Our back-end support is strong and always ready to assist when a client has any questions about the website, treatments, or healthcare professionals.

What are the early signs of heart disease?

Heart attacks in some cases are intense and sudden. While, in some cases, it starts with mild discomfort or pain. Keep a watchful eye out for the early signs of heart disease. Some of the signs are stomach ache, profuse sweating, and shortness of breath, pain in the neck, back, left arm, left leg, or pain in the jaw. Based on the intensity of the disease, these signs and symptoms differ from person to person.

How to approach mild chest pain?

Mild pain in the chest may be due to several factors like indigestion, stress, muscle pain, or maybe due to blood clots in the lungs or other heart disease. Mild chest pain is treated with the help of first aid procedures and simple rest. However, if the symptom persists, or if the pain radiates to the left or backside of the jaw, or the left arm, consult a cardiologist online right away.

What is ECG (Electrocardiogram)?

An ECG – electrocardiogram is a test used to monitor the heart’s rhythm and electrical activity. For this, sensors are attached to the skin to identify the electrical signals produced with each heartbeat. These signals are recorded in a machine and are referred by the doctor to check for any unusual reading. Generally, a cardiologist would recommend an ECG when they think that the patient’s heart may have a problem. 

Heart has the function of pumping blood throughout the body including itself. Life threatening diseases can occur if something happens to the normal functioning of the heart or its associated structures. The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of heart related diseases is called Cardiology. Heart has intrinsic electrical activity and beats on its own ensuring unidirectional flow of blood. Anything that affects these normal functions can lead to serious diseases. The different diseases involving different structures present with sometimes different symptoms or sometimes quite common symptoms. For initial stage of any cardiology problem, one can take try consulting cardiologist online, to understand what is the issue. 

Usual symptoms of heart valve diseases: 

  • Pain in the chest
  • Swelling in the stomach area
  • Tiredness
  • Shortness of breath, particularly when active or while lying down
  • Leg swelling
  • Dizziness
  • Fainting
  • Irregular heartbeat

Usual symptoms of disruptions in the electrical activity of the heart: 

  • Irregular heartbeat that is either faster or slower than normal
  • Pain in the chest
  • Shortness of breath
  • Anxiety
  • Light-headedness or dizziness
  • Fainting
  • Excessive sweating

Usual symptoms when normal blood flow to the heart muscle is reduced:

Sometimes the main blood vessels that supply the heart muscle narrow due to deposition of cholesterol plaques causing a condition called atherosclerosis. When sufficient blood doesn’t reach the heart muscle, there is a strong pain in the heart that radiates to the back, left arm, jaw, chin, etc. The pain is very severe and needs immediate medical attention. The symptoms include:

  • Chest pain or severe tightness in the chest
  • Shortness of breath
  • Extreme tiredness
  • Feeling the heartbeat
  • Coughing
  • Swelling in the legs or feet
  • Difficulty in sleeping


A cardiologist is the one who diagnoses the disease and treats it with medications if possible. If a heart bypass surgery is required, the cardiologist refers the case to a cardiac surgeon who then performs the required surgery to treat the disease.

A cardiologist takes thorough history of the patient suspected of a heart disease. Physical auscultation is done and blood pressure is measured. If needed, tests like ECG (electrocardiogram), echocardiogram and treadmill test are done. Based on the results of these tests, evaluation of the patient is done and if required, further course of treatment plan is discussed.

The usual tests performed by a cardiologist are ECG (electrocardiogram), echocardiogram and treadmill test are done. Holter monitoring and transesophageal echocardiography are some of the other tests that are recommended by a cardiologist depending on the patient’s condition and underlying disease. 

One can find more about the heart and the procedures that are done for heart on standard websites like Webmd, Wikipedia, Mayoclinic, Healthline, etc. It is very important to refer to standard websites and not just believe on anything that is written on the internet as these opinions are not verified by the medical fraternity. 
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